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Dishonored 2

The Duke and his Guard
Actors handing out game prizes - Costumes for the live action role play Bethesda video launch. Event at the Wooden Boat Center.

Los Angeles - 48 Hour Film Festival
Filming on the set of Hitched.

Space Age Elf costume for the Space Needle

Mia Montero and Jim Kent
Whim Whim dancers - performing Brahms in Tights 2016

Medieval Cosplay

Dishonored 2 Cosplay
Overseers - Costumes for the live action role play Bethesda video launch. Event at the Wooden Boat Center.

Costume for the Space Needle

Dishonored 2

whim whim 2016 costumes girls
Tory Peil and Mia Montero - a dancer for the Contemporary dance company Whim whim in Seattle.
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