I'm a freelance designer. Focusing on real estate staging since 2005. I was raised in Seattle where my passion for design and creativity was nurtured by my father. He taught me to look at the world with fresh eyes. To see the potential even in the most ordinary of objects. It is a life long quest to find creative solutions to everyday problems. Thinking outside of the box - if it doesn't work, flip it on its side and look at it in a different light. Take the ordinary and use it in unexpected ways.
My passion to transform extends to creating in other areas as well. I create many custom pieces of art for use in staging. I use my professional sewing skills to work with unique fabric to create items such as curtains and pillows.
Looking for potential and seeing the possibilities has given me the ability to transform homes. My skills will help your home stand out on market and get it sold in a shorter amount of time. I work closely with the selling agent to create a marketing strategy that will get the most return on your investment. I look forward to working with you!
718 16th Ave.
Seattle Wa. 98122
Email_ Ronaleebydesign @gmail.com Tel_ 206-229-9793